Cookie Policy

Last Updated: 18.12.2020

Throughout the site, Irish Casino uses cookies to improve the user experience. In this policy, we describe the use of such cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are used widely online for analysis and marketing. They also improve the usability of a site. A cookie is a small text file, usually no greater than 4kb in size. Upon entering a site, the cookie is stored upon the user’s computer. These innocuous files store the user’s preferences, but can also be used to monitor user activity and sources of traffic.

Irish Casino uses cookies through the site. For further information about their use, read the following cookie policy, in addition to the privacy policy. Continuing use of the website is taken as consent for the use of cookies. However, if you would prefer to opt-out, please read on.

How to Opt-Out of Cookies/Delete Them Completely?

At any point during the use of the site, cookies can be disabled or deleted. Such action is achieved via the browser settings. There you can restrict, block, or delete pre-existing cookies.

If you would like to remove or restrict the use of cookies, please refer to the following guides for the most popular browsers:

Some cookies are used only to enhance the user experience. However, please be aware that the total blockage of cookies will impact the functional aspects of the service. As a result, the service may be impaired or rendered inaccessible.

How Cookies are Used

We use a variety of different cookies throughout the site. These are categorised as follows:

Navigational cookies

Upon entering the site, navigational cookies will be employed to enable the use of all features of the service. Such cookies are essential to the functionality of critical services. Without these cookies, these services, such as accessing secure areas of the site, would be rendered unusable.

Functionality cookies

These cookies remember your choices and preferences. After leaving the site, they remained stored on your computer. Then, upon your return, the settings will be adjusted according to prior preference. Such settings include font size, font and more.

Performance cookies

In order to monitor user activity on the site, performance cookies are used. They measure the traffic through the sites, pages most accessed by users, number of visits by users, as well as the sources of traffic to the site. The information collected is anonymised and aggregated. It is used to improve the performance and useability of the service.

Target cookies

Third-party advertisers place these cookies. As such, the Irish Casino is not responsible for the information collected. Such cookies are used to limit the frequency with which an advert appears and to measure an advertising campaign’s effectiveness.

Notification of Changes

If at any point, the cookies policy is changed, you will be notified of changes via the Cookie Policy Page. Changes will take effect the moment the new policy is posted.

Therefore, you are advised to review this Cookie Policy for any changes periodically.